While we are apart, we still need each other

Many of the families we serve will be deeply impacted by the economic aspects of this situation.  If parents are unable to work, it will result in lowered incomes which will cause additional financial stress.  Many families simply don’t have the resources to stock up with fourteen days of food and medicine.  With the school closures, the question of childcare is now front and centre.


There is a financial piece to this, but there is also the very real impact of social isolation that may result from our attempts to slow the course of the disease.  Social isolation is actually a leading risk-factor for child abuse and neglect.


Overall this situation will put additional pressures on families that are already experiencing poverty and lack of social supports. It is vital for us that we be able to offer additional emergency assistance for these families, as well as the meaningful, ongoing support and programs that prevent child abuse and neglect.

Families should not be at risk of having their children come into foster care because these circumstance mean they cannot pay their rent or feed their children.

The prevention focused programs and services we fund keep kids safe and help families develop resilience so they can weather these types of situations in the future.


Here's how you can help:

  • Make a donation to support families impacted by COVID-19.
  • Continue your support and share messaging. As we practice social distancing, sharing our message is an important way to show your support.
  • Become a monthly donor.  Turn what you were spending on weekly take-out coffees and lunches into something more impactful by making a monthly gift.
  • Look for creative ways to continue to raise funds. We use Canada Helps for online donations. They offer easy ways for people to raise money as a group or individual. The spring is often a time of bake and garage sales or outdoor sports tournaments. Interested individuals can host online peer-to-peer or workplace campaigns.  There are also sites that let you do an online auction instead of an in-person event.
  • Consider making a gift in honour of a special someone - Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and graduations are just around the corner. A gift to a charity in the name of your loved one is a beautiful way to recognize life events.


We are fortunate to have such a kind and generous community at the best of times.  We know we can count on you in these challenging and uncertain times.

Thank you.

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